Mock Galaxy Factory | Build New Catalogue

Main Interface Sections and Navigation

TAO is built as a set of integrated components (modules). Each module has its own interface and backend. Most of the TAO modules are accessible within the New Catalogue wizard, as shown in the below figure. This interface consists of three main sections:

  • Wizard Navigation: provides direct access to the different modules UI.
  • Main Window: contains the properties and options which allow you to build your mock catalogue. It also contains "Next" and "Previous" buttons as alternative navigation options.
  • Metadata Panel (Infobar): contains additional information and links about the currently selected item(s).

Catalogue Type and Mock Parameters

The main window of the New Catalogue page presents all the options available to build your mock galaxy catalogue. Here you can select a box or light-cone geometry, the semi-analytic model and simulation of interest, the properties that this model predicts that you want, and any other data and information of relevance. Each option and property is available through a drop-down menu or input box. If an invalid input it given TAO will report this as an error that you can correct.

Multi-selection Control

Galaxy and halo properties can be selected in TAO by highlighting those you want and adding them to the selected list. Multiple selections can be made and added at once. A search box makes finding the properties you're interested in easy by only showing those that match any part of the search text.

Spectral Energy Distribution

Selecting Output Magnitudes

Selection and Output Format